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This is where I get to have fun! I'll be posting from my school visits, field activities, and the general fun things I get to do as a naturalist. Remember, my camera is always with me, and I'm looking for YOU!

These pictures were taken during a Teaching Evolution workshop sponsored by the College of Charleston’s Lowcountry Hall of Science and Math, and the Anthropology, Biology, and Geology Departments. They did and excellent job, and it was a great way to spend a Saturday morning (even though it was Wildlife Expo weekend and the weather was pretty). The pictures were taken during the session The Bare Bones of Human Evolution. We were given a series of skulls from different time periods and asked to place them in some sort of logical order, and then answer the following questions. 

What criteria did you use to place the skulls in this order?
Given that these specimens occur at different times, what trends or differences do you see through time? 
What can you conclude from this series?
What conclusion can be drawn between the appearance of an archeological record and the reduction in the size of the hominid masticatory apparatus?

Check and see how you do. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge. For more information on the Lowcountry Hall of Science and Math at the College of Charleston, click here to visit their website.

Homo habilis.JPG (30811 bytes)    Australopithicus.JPG (30384 bytes)    modern homo sapiens.JPG (30534 bytes)    aferensis.JPG (26354 bytes)    anatomically modern skull.JPG (30832 bytes)    Homo erectus.JPG (30980 bytes)     

   Neanderthal.JPG (30697 bytes)    Archaic.JPG (31029 bytes)    chimp.JPG (24085 bytes)


anthropology.JPG (31047 bytes)    skulls.JPG (30431 bytes)    evolution.JPG (30895 bytes)

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