Nature Connection




          SCAT RAP


             Look on the ground and listen to me

             We're going to talk scatology

             Give you information to educate you

             About that thing we call doo-doo



             It starts with an S and ends with a T

             It comes out of you and it comes out of me

             I know what you're thinking, you could call it that

             But be scientific and call it scat



             When you're walking through the woods and your nose goes oooh

             It means there's some critter's scat near you

             It might seem gross, but that's OK

             'Cause they don't have toilets to flush it away



             If you park your car in the forest or the field

             You're going to get scat on your windshield

             If the seeds look like they're purple and white

             You've been bombed by a bird in flight



             If you want to know what an animal eats

             Just look for what it excretes

             Burried in the scat are all the clues

             Like bones and fur their bodies can't use



             Well, it tells us what they eat and it tells us who they are

             And that's what we've learned from scat so far

             So if you want to know who's walking around

             Just look for some scat on the ground


This originally came from a workshop Environmental Education and the Arts given by the Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont. This is my adaptation that I use (all too frequently) when one of my animals has an accident during a program.


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