Digital Imaging Workshop TBA Want to learn how to put some technology in your classroom? Digital cameras are becoming more and more common in our schools. How many of us take advantage of this tremendous learning technology tool in our classrooms? This workshop will help you apply digital imaging to your everyday teaching. We will also learn how to use editing software and other software already available to you to help students learn the art of documentation, critical in science and other subjects as well. We'll use science as a basis to integrate digital imaging across the curriculum. We'll also have our live animal teaching collection available, so you'll have the chance to get up close and personal with some of our leathery, feathery and furry friends. Cost $50 >) For registration information, click here or call (864) 616-0861 Send mail to natrcon@bellsouth.net with questions or comments about this web site.Webmaster: A.B. Marshall