Not Your Ordinary Science Class! An Exciting New Learning Opportunity for Teachers, Students, and Parents Too! The Scientist in Residence (SIR) Program is a dynamic experience for teachers and students that utilizes multiple intelligences teaching skills and interdisciplinary curricula as vehicles for science learning. Teachers attend a workshop covering methods and techniques, observe and participate with their students doing various hands on activities, and have an opportunity for one-on-one peer coaching on how to extend these models into individual classroom instructional programs. Using these same techniques, we can also help your school set up a Parents Leading Science Activities Program that will not only increase your parent participation, but will also energize your science program. At Nature Connection, we know everything in nature is unique, including you and your students. That is why we work with you to develop the plan that is right for your school's individual needs.We believe that science should generate more questions than it does answers. Each session is geared to the process, i.e. the construction of questions rather than the production of "right" answers. Our multidisciplinary approach incorporates math, poetry, story telling, journaling, cultural interaction and understanding, music, art, movement and cooperative strategies with the basic science objectives outlined in the South Carolina Science Standards. The following is a listing of our standard programs which are geared for 60-minute class sessions.
Use concepts such as Water or Our Neighborhood at every grade level to develop questions and ways of seeking answers concerning our own environments
Several districts in South Carolina have allowed the use of Eisenhower funds for schools to pay for the SIR program. We have put together a brief guide to help you put together a grant request. Click on the link above to view the document.
Send mail to natrcon@bellsouth.net with questions or comments about this web site.Webmaster: A.B. Marshall